Delivering my closing remarks for the Feminist Activism Awardee Talk for Sociologists for Women in Society

If you are interested in inviting me to speak about intersex or my cultural memoir in progress, FIVE STAR WHITE TRASH, on your campus, at your bookstore, or your medical center or the like, please contact me via any of the methods below.
As an intersex scholar-activist who has an intersex trait and who also studies intersex, I can speak about my first book Contesting Intersex: The Dubious Diagnosis and/or my personal intersex experience.
Or, as a seventh grade dropout who is now an Associate Professor of Sociology, I can draw from my in production cultural memoir, FIVE STAR WHITE TRASH, and speak to the role of whiteness in intergenerational mobility, medical trauma, and familial relationships.
Select Upcoming Speaking Engagements
October 2024: OutCare Health
March 2024: Childhood, Law & Policy Network
Select Past Speaking Engagements
March 2024: California State University, Sacramento
March 2024: SoCal LGBTQIA Health Conference, Keynote Speaker
November 2023: The City College of New York, CUNY
August 2023: Feminist Activism Awardee Talk for Sociologists for Women in Society
October 2022: The United States Department of Health and Human Services. Intersex Awareness
October 2022: The United States Department of Health and Human Services. Intersex Care
March 2022: Loyola University Chicago
March 2022: Oakland University
February 2022: Oxford University
February 2022: Heal+NM
November 2021: NM SGM Health Summit
November 2021: American River College
October 2021: University of Calgary
October 2021: The United States Department of Health and Human Services
October 2021: University of Minnesota Morris
June 2021: Northern Arizona University
February 2021: Rutgers University. Affirming Medical and Mental Healthcare for LGBTQAI Communities Conference
February 2021: Futuresex | Witness Conference
November 2020: Central New Mexico Community College
October 2020: University of Texas at Austin, Pride Health, UT Pop Up Research Institute
June 2020: Scheduled Keynote at the Annual Meeting for the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI). Conferenced Canceled to COVID-19.
February 2020: Rutgers University
February 2020: American Association for the Advancement of Science
April 2019: Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
January 2019: Wayne State University, Medical School
April 2018: Southern Utah University
April 2018: University of Florida
April 2018: Middle Tennessee State University
February 2018: Michigan State University
December 2017: UC-Davis, Sociology
July 2017: Phoenix, Arizona (CME event)
June 2017: UCLA
March 2017: Miami University
November 2016: Cornell College
September 2016: Surrey, United Kingdom, University of Surrey, After the Recognition of Intersex Human Rights, Keynote Speaker
April 2016: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
April 2016: University of Kansas
April 2016: Atlanta, Georgia, Southern Sociological Society, Author Meets Critics for Contesting Intersex
March 2016: Hastings College
March 2016: California State University
December 2015: University of Michigan-Dearborn
November 2015: Los Angeles, California, The Dr. Phil Show
November 2015: Calgary, Canada, University of Calgary
November 2015: Oakland, California, Laurel Book Store
October 2015: Las Vegas, Nevada, University Forum Lecture
October 2015: Vancouver, Canada, FIGO World Congress
August 2015: Powell's Books Chicago, Book Launch for Contesting Intersex
July 2015: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CME event)
June 2015: Las Vegas, Nevada, LGBTQIA Wellness Conference
April 2015: Mississippi State University
March 2015: Vanderbilt University
March 2015: University of California, Davis, Improving OUTcomes Conference
July 2014: San Francisco, California (CME event)
April 2014: Northeastern Illinois University
December 2013: University of Arizona, James J. Leos Symposium
November 2013: Ohio University, LGBT Center
October 2024: OutCare Health
March 2024: Childhood, Law & Policy Network
Select Past Speaking Engagements
March 2024: California State University, Sacramento
March 2024: SoCal LGBTQIA Health Conference, Keynote Speaker
November 2023: The City College of New York, CUNY
August 2023: Feminist Activism Awardee Talk for Sociologists for Women in Society
October 2022: The United States Department of Health and Human Services. Intersex Awareness
October 2022: The United States Department of Health and Human Services. Intersex Care
March 2022: Loyola University Chicago
March 2022: Oakland University
February 2022: Oxford University
February 2022: Heal+NM
November 2021: NM SGM Health Summit
November 2021: American River College
October 2021: University of Calgary
October 2021: The United States Department of Health and Human Services
October 2021: University of Minnesota Morris
June 2021: Northern Arizona University
February 2021: Rutgers University. Affirming Medical and Mental Healthcare for LGBTQAI Communities Conference
February 2021: Futuresex | Witness Conference
November 2020: Central New Mexico Community College
October 2020: University of Texas at Austin, Pride Health, UT Pop Up Research Institute
June 2020: Scheduled Keynote at the Annual Meeting for the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI). Conferenced Canceled to COVID-19.
February 2020: Rutgers University
February 2020: American Association for the Advancement of Science
April 2019: Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
January 2019: Wayne State University, Medical School
April 2018: Southern Utah University
April 2018: University of Florida
April 2018: Middle Tennessee State University
February 2018: Michigan State University
December 2017: UC-Davis, Sociology
July 2017: Phoenix, Arizona (CME event)
June 2017: UCLA
March 2017: Miami University
November 2016: Cornell College
September 2016: Surrey, United Kingdom, University of Surrey, After the Recognition of Intersex Human Rights, Keynote Speaker
April 2016: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
April 2016: University of Kansas
April 2016: Atlanta, Georgia, Southern Sociological Society, Author Meets Critics for Contesting Intersex
March 2016: Hastings College
March 2016: California State University
December 2015: University of Michigan-Dearborn
November 2015: Los Angeles, California, The Dr. Phil Show
November 2015: Calgary, Canada, University of Calgary
November 2015: Oakland, California, Laurel Book Store
October 2015: Las Vegas, Nevada, University Forum Lecture
October 2015: Vancouver, Canada, FIGO World Congress
August 2015: Powell's Books Chicago, Book Launch for Contesting Intersex
July 2015: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CME event)
June 2015: Las Vegas, Nevada, LGBTQIA Wellness Conference
April 2015: Mississippi State University
March 2015: Vanderbilt University
March 2015: University of California, Davis, Improving OUTcomes Conference
July 2014: San Francisco, California (CME event)
April 2014: Northeastern Illinois University
December 2013: University of Arizona, James J. Leos Symposium
November 2013: Ohio University, LGBT Center